Logo and Name Texas Offender Education Services

Complaint Procedures

By registering for this program, you affirm having read and agree to adhere to its requirements, terms of use, program rules, privacy policies, and behavior expectations, including participation guidelines for online video conferencing. 


The purpose of this Complaint Procedure is to outline the steps to be followed by participants of Texas Offender Education Services’ 

Texas Offender Education Services – Complaint Procedure


Texas Offender Education Services is committed to providing high-quality court-ordered education programs regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). We take complaints very seriously and will strive to resolve them in a fair, timely, and efficient manner. This document outlines the procedure for submitting a formal complaint.


Step 1: Initial Contact

Before submitting a formal complaint, we encourage you to attempt resolution by contacting our customer support or the instructor responsible for your class.

Step 2: Submitting a Formal Complaint

If your issue is not resolved satisfactorily, you may submit a formal complaint  by email or the provided Complaint form Link. The following information must be included:

  • Subject Line: The class title (e.g., TexOES-DWIE-2301)
  • Complainant’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Driver’s License Number
  • Driver’s License Expiration Date
  • State of Issuance for Driver’s License
  • Class Name (e.g., TexOES-DWIE-2301)
  • Dates of the Class
  • Detailed description of the complaint

Step 3: Acknowledgement of Receipt

Upon receiving your formal complaint, we will send an acknowledgment email within three (3) business days.


Step 4: Investigation

Your complaint will be reviewed and investigated by a designated staff member. We aim to complete the investigation within fifteen (15) business days from the acknowledgment date.


Step 5: Outcome and Resolution

If requested, you will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and any corrective measures to be taken.


Step 6: Further Action

If you have requested information on the outcome of the investigation and are not satisfied with the resolution, you may escalate the complaint by responding to the outcome email within seven (7) business days.


External Reporting

Any complaints against the court-ordered program, program provider, instructor, or any of the program provider’s personnel may be directed to the department.

Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711

Telephone: (512) 463-6599

Toll-Free (in Texas): (800) 803-9202

Relay Texas-TDD: (800) 735-2989

Website: TDLR Complaints https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/complaints/

By submitting a formal complaint, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Complaint Procedure. Complaints which do not provide the requested information will not be processed or acknowledged.  Texas Offender Education Services will verify that the complainant was an actual participant in the program prior to the start of any investigation. Complaints must be made by the registered participant of the program. Please keep a copy of this procedure and any correspondence for your records. 


This Complaint Procedure is subject to periodic review and may be amended as necessary.